---Bonds -M. Logan I stumbled into your life, half a man, My heart in tattered shreds, my mind askew. You took my hand, taught me to love again Taught me the truth of what I thought I knew. You gave me a reason to keep fighting, Showed me a way to mend my broken heart. Your soul led the way, a new path lighting, While your words wove their ancient, healing art. And now, it's my turn to lend my shoulder, To give you the strength to keep up the fight. Now just put your hand upon my shoulder, And I'll lead you back into the day's light. A bond of friendship, our hearts open still, Our greatest trials and triumphs we now share, Our deepest secrets to each other spill. Friendship guiding where only angels dare. Such a short time we've known one another, Seems like years, when only mere days have passed. So much closer we've grown to each other, Bonds of kinship, forged in soul fire, bound fast.